Housing Assistance Campaign

More than 6,000 new students start at UNIL and EPFL each year and face a housing shortage. UNIL and EPFL are jointly launching a campaign to raise public awareness about the lack of living spaces for their future students.


  • Direction artistique
  • Photographie

Project management

  • General communication
  • KPIs and performance monitoring
  • Measurements and reporting

Raise Awareness

With this campaign, we aimed to raise awareness among a broad segment of the population who could accommodate new students – seniors, families, young adults, UNIL – EPFL staff, alumni, and residents of Greater Lausanne; in short, everyone who has the possibility of offering a rental.
Our concept is based on a simple and objective idea – reflecting reality. Images, candid moments captured on campuses, show exhausted students who are falling asleep, dozing off, most of them lacking a decent place to rest or simply live.


  • Raise public awareness about the shortage of student housing
  • Convert the target audience and increase the number of available housing units

    Make an Impact

    To make the materials and the campaign attractive, visible, and memorable, we chose a bright and vibrant color scheme along with a sans-serif "Latin" typography that underscores the academic aspect but with a very contemporary treatment.

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    project.teaser.a11y.servicesBranding, Site Web

    project.teaser.a11y.services"Site Web"