If you’re planning to go, let’s meet there and have a Spritz together!
I haven’t chosen the talks to follow yet, as I will mostly decide on the spot, but I will focus on NodeJS, AngularJS and testing of Javascript apps, because we are currently rebuilding our internal product EventHub with these technologies.
So I won’t miss:
- AngularJS: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly by Gilles Ruppert
- The spirit of testing by Marco Cedaro
- If You Like It Then You Should Have Put A Test On It: A Comparison of Front-End Acceptance Testing Frameworks by Vikki Read
As for JSDay I don’t have a specific schedule yet, but I’m really looking forward to seeing the opening keynote by Rasmus Lerdorf, the creator of PHP. Then I will probably focus my attention on Symfony2 and testing:
- Symfony2 and AngularJS by Antonio Peric
- Concurrent PHP in the Etsy API by Matthew Graham
- Don’t screw it up, how to build durable web apis by Alessandro Cinelli, Alessandro Nadalin
- Moving Away from Legacy code with BDD by Konstantin Kudryashov
(Ponte Pietra photo from https://www.flickr.com/photos/james_clear/8692917643/)