"It's my mouth, I take care of it"

Antistatique had the pleasure of being commissioned by the state of Vaud to carry out a preventive campaign on oral health.


  • Direction artistique
  • Film
  • Motion design
  • Photographie
  • Visual design

Marketing Strategy & Communication Campaign

  • Campagne de communication
  • Communication concept
  • Communication strategy
  • Media strategy and acquisition

Project management

  • General communication
  • KPIs and performance monitoring
  • Measurements and reporting
  • Prioritization and planning
The objective of the campaign was to inform and raise awareness among the residents of Vaud about the importance of taking care of their oral health. The campaign was distributed across various online and offline platforms.

Concept de la campagne

A clear and impactful slogan: It's my mouth, I take care of it. A concept: representing the residents of Vaud through a mix of public figures and anonymous individuals, showcasing their mouths and explaining their relationship with their oral health.
A two-phase campaign:
  • First, a "teaser" campaign. The faces of the individuals are not revealed, only their mouths are visible on the various media to generate interest and curiosity.
    • Second, the "reveal" campaign. The faces are unveiled, and the various personalities featured in the campaign speak out.

      Un casting 100% Vaudois

      A 100% Vaudois casting
      A casting reflecting the diversity of the Canton of Vaud, intergenerational, intercultural, and dynamic. A mix of public figures like Lea Sprunger (athletics champion), Alvyn Sanchez (forward for Lausanne Sport), Ashley & Luna (content creators), and other anonymous personalities.

      Casting campagne santé bucco dentaire.
      10 Vaudois mouths promoting oral health

      Online teaser campaign

      Multi-platform online campaign: web banners and social media.


      A landing page is available on the State of Vaud's website to inform people about the importance of oral health.
      The landing page was created and launched in two phases: the teaser phase followed by the reveal phase.


      Series of interviews where interviewees discuss their experiences and their relationship with their oral health.
      Short videos, edited sharply with a relaxed tone, while maintaining the seriousness of the subject.

      Printed materials

      Posters and explanatory brochure for the campaign.
      Campagne santé bucco-dentaire Affiches SGA
      A brochure in 4 languages (French, English, Spanish, and Portuguese) featuring pictograms and illustrations to visualize the themes in the clearest way possible.
      A big thank you to North Communication for the casting and Vandy Studio for the video and photo production.

      Client testimonial

      "Antistatique was attentive to our expectations while considering our constraints. The team responded to our requests with creativity. The quality of the communication allowed for the development of tools that met our requirements."
      Sandrine Bonnet and Lilyane Impala

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      Fondation Théodora


