
M like me, a campaign for them by them

M like me, A concept that captures scenes from the lives of Generation Z and their daily routines with Migros products. Highlighting the differences and diversity of the youth from the cantons of Neuchâtel and Fribourg was our creative direction.


  • Direction artistique
  • Film
  • Motion design
  • Photographie
  • Visual design

Project management

  • General communication
  • Measurements and reporting


  • Attract Generation Z to Migros stores
  • Reconnect the brand with a young audience
  • Introduce a new product range

    M…like me

    For this first collaboration with Migros, we wanted to propose a simple and powerful concept. It would start with an impactful and unique slogan that reflects Generation Z.

    M…like me, a slogan and a campaign for them and by them.

    A multi-platform campaign

    For our first collaboration with Migros, our campaign would focus on the regions of Neuchâtel and Fribourg.
    To connect with our target audience — Generation Z, we opted for extensive distribution across digital channels.
    Various video clips and animations were broadcasted on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. Additionally, around ten events were organized at the main Migros locations in Neuchâtel and Fribourg.

    Print media

    In addition to video distribution, we created and developed a wide range of visuals tailored for various print channels.
    The campaign was displayed on OOH (Out-of-Home) and DOOH (Digital Out-of-Home) media across the regions of Neuchâtel and Fribourg."
    Campagne Migros, M comme moi

    Many thanks to Horsform and North for this collaboration.

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    Fondation Théodora


