Switch – for a just, healthy and sustainable dietary transition

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We are fortunate to participate in a project funded by the EU aimed at sustainably improving the eating habits of Europeans. Discover in this article why and how we are participating in this adventure.

The Switch Project

A primarily research project aimed at analyzing behavioral changes and the adoption of a healthy and sustainable diet. The project is part of an initiative to illuminate the path from farm to fork (farmers, chefs, consumers, and policymakers).

Renewing Collaboration with EPFL+ECALLAB

After the Resoli project (Quartiers Solidaires), which was successfully completed and awarded several prizes, EPFL+ECALLAB invited us to join them in this new collaboration.


As part of the consortium, universities, research centers, and "hubs" are involved. These geographical regions include one or more urban centers and their surroundings, peri-urban areas, and rural hinterlands, through which people, food, goods, resources, and services circulate.
These hubs are seen as laboratories within the project to study the actors and activities of the food system over which local/regional governments have planning and intervention powers. There are 6 hubs in the Switch project:
  • Rome and the Lazio region
  • Montpellier Metropolis and the Occitanie region
  • Gothenburg and the Västra Götaland region
  • Berlin and the Federal State of Brandenburg
  • Cagliari and the Sardinia region
  • San Sebastián and the Basque region

    Developing Web Applications for the Hubs

    Following the various research conducted in the initial phases of the project, the EPFL+ECALLAB team is conducting research and designing an application dedicated to each audience (consumers, chefs, and policymakers). We are present during this phase to ensure technical feasibility. Then, we will develop (this year) the web application (PWA) adhering to standards regarding data protection and technical sustainability. The project will then be maintained by us for 3 years.

    An Innovation Project Aimed at Advancing Research

    In a European Union that has tended to rationalize and standardize for better legislation, this project aims to understand and improve the situation through a more localized analysis. The role of the hubs is essential as they allow experimentation in various different and diverse local contexts. In terms of web experience, we also intend to approach the project from an innovation perspective.

    A Large-Scale 4-Year Project with 24 Partners

    The project, which began in January 2023, is planned over 4 years through 9 work packages.
    We are starting the 3rd year of the project in 2025, and we are meeting in Montpellier this week to discuss progress with the various partners.