Justine, boarding now!

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Hello! I'm delighted to have joined the Antistatique team as a back-end developer.
Hello was also the name of my first sprint.
So, let's start by getting to know each other.
I'm Justine, 32 years old. I recently moved to the Lausanne region, after living in a mountain village for a long time 🏔️. When I arrived at Antistatique, I discovered that everyone here was part of a ship's crew. Sometimes I like to describe myself as an alien, but fortunately for them, this isn't a Ridley Scott film! 👽
2nd iridescent sprint
3..2..1..Lift off 🚀 ! Our ship (the Arcadia) is flying at full speed through the iridescent layers of clouds! We're in orbit, it's time to take up my position in the team.
Let's talk about my role at Antistatique! I've joined the team as a back-end developer. To give you an idea, I'm the person in charge of managing the engine and the flight algorithms so that the whole team can get you to your destination safely.
I've been working as a developer for about ten years now. I've had the opportunity to work on a number of web projects for different agencies, ranging from simple showcase websites to management applications and e-commerce sites.
I specialise in PHP development, in particular WordPress and Laravel. But above all I'm a jack of all trades, and I love coding!
I'm a developer
I think I've known for a very long time that I wanted to be a developer. I was already learning the basics of coding when I was a teenager. I remember spending hours coding a little game on my hacked Nintendo DS. I no longer have the source code (which must not have been a pretty sight), but a version of the game is still on my DS, and it still works just fine!
So naturally I started studying computer science at the CPNV in Sainte-Croix. Firstly to get a CFC in computer science and then an ES diploma in application development.
And apart from coding?
What I love most of all is being creative. In my spare time, I often play video games. Minecraft in particular, in which I explore architecture and create realistic contemporary buildings.
Talking of video games, I'm interested in game creation and game design. It's a fascinating field that combines technology and art, but above all it's great fun! I regularly take part in game jams, events that bring a team together over a weekend to create little games. 🕹️
Deux activités que j’aime diffuser en stream sur internet. Soit pour simplement jouer et me détendre ou pour coder et partager mes connaissances en live.
En parallèle, je m'investis bénévolement avec l’équipe du Webmardi. Une association qui propose un talk par mois autour des métiers du web.
J’aurais encore beaucoup à vous dire sur mes autres activités, mais ce serait beaucoup trop long.
L’alarme retentit dans le vaisseau et m’arrache à mes rêveries. Nous allons passer en hyperespace, on a besoin de moi dans la salle des machines. Un dernier instant, je regarde les étoiles briller au travers de mon hublot et me remets à imaginer les aventures qui m’attendent.
Je retourne à mon poste pendant que, dans un déluge de lumière, notre navette s’envole et disparaît vers de nouvelles destinations ! 🪐