10 questions for Noémie and Yann

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In the series of informal interviews to get to know our associates better, it's our turn to talk to Yann Lugrin and Noémie Sandoz.
Both became partners in 2023 and Antistatique has known them for many years.
Fasten your seatbelts, we're going back in time!

Tell me about your first 'encounter' with the Antistatique agency?

Noémie: You used to run competitions to win iPads (in 2010). Since then, I've subscribed to the newsletter. I was at ERACOM and Jérôme, a classmate, was doing an internship at Antistatique.
I'd also known Marc for a long time through Espoir Tramelan, which organises camps.
Yann: My first memory? You wrote to Liquid Concept (editor's note: Yann's former web agency) to introduce yourself. That was in 2009. A paper letter, I must say!
After that, I can't put the events in order:
  • August 2009: 1st meeting between Liquid Concept <> Antistatique
  • Startup Weekend, in Marc's team
  • Puppetmaster training at Camp2Camp with Gilles
  • Competition project for the Police cantonale vaudoise (a great car game in js)
  • Eats&Learns lunches for sharing between entrepreneurs in the sector (Liquid Concept, Ratio & Antistatique - and Liip Lausanne?)

    Tell me a bit about your hobbies and what you like to do in your spare time?

    Noémie: I try to do crossfit. Go to as many concerts as possible. In winter, I love the carnival. And I look after my cats.
    Yann: What spare time do you have? 😜 No more seriously, I like to play video games (editor's note: he's a real enthusiast, he takes time off for game releases), role-playing games and games in general. I'm a big LHC fan!
    I like watching sports with friends (editor's note: also takes time off for the Superbowl). I love to travel and am involved in civic life in my town and canton.

    What different roles have you had at Antistatique?

    Noémie: I started by doing an internship in 2012 (during my studies). In 2015, I was a Junior UX Designer, then a UX Designer, renamed as a Design Researcher & Associate. Basically, I'm still doing the same thing, but I hope to do it a little better and more efficiently every year 😀
    Yann: I was a technical partner of Antistatique (at the time of Liquid Concept) and also a client (particularly for design). During my time at Yalty, I was a client of Antistatique (UX & Design). In 2019, I was hired as Senior Web Developer, then Technical Director in 2020 and now Partner and HR Director.

    What was your "first time" with the Internet? And when? And for what purpose?

    Noémie: Stop asking questions! We're old and old! We don't remember! 😀
    Mostly I remember being able to surf between the phones my parents made (editor's note: yes, the internet went through the phone line - and can still go through that line). But for what purpose? Chatting with my friends on MSN, I suppose…
    Yann: That was a long time ago for me. I think it was between 1995 and 1997. I'd taken out a phone subscription just for that (and my Internet access at worldcom). I used IRC a lot, which helped me find a role-playing club, among other things;
    Before that, my father had access to the Compuserve network (editor's note: yes, there were other networks before the Internet).

    What type of project do you enjoy most?

    Noémie: I particularly like projects for NGOs. I also like projects that correspond to my ethics, in environmentally responsible industries.
    Yann: I like variety. But of course, I really enjoy projects that are technically and application-wise challenging or large-scale.
    Small projects are also interesting for other reasons.

    Do you prefer red meat or steamed vegetables with no added salt?

    Noémie: Ahah, that's such a biased question!
    Personally, I don't eat animals. I love all the delicious vegetarian and vegan dishes.
    Yann: As for the types of projects, I like variety (editor's note: what a politician that Yann is! 😅).

    Do you have a 'special' moment to share in the life of the agency?

    Noémie: There have been plenty. The 10 years at Chalet Zermatt and the trips to the Miami office were pretty crazy!
    Yann: The memories that come to mind are the sometimes difficult moments (not related to work life) that show the comfort found in colleagues.

    What's your favourite pizza?

    Noémie: Mami's vegetarian (delicious), especially when shared with Laura!
    Yann: The Napoli pizza.

    Name a few adjectives that define you and others that don't?

    Noémie: The worst… I'm going to get fired?
    Yann: What a horrible, rotten job interview!

    And finally, what style of music do you like?

    Noémie: Let's go for metal, rock and punk.
    Yann: It's, um, what do you call it again?
    "French pop. But that's not all, I'm pretty eclectic.