How to create a custom endpoint using Drupal JSON:API

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If you’re looking for a way to provide a custom collections like jsonapi/articles/featured or contextual data like a jsonapi/me. You’re in the good place.
In this article, I will not explain how to create a custom REST Resources.
If you’re not familiar with JSON:API, I recommend you watch the following short video. It will provide valuable context for the remainder of this blog post:
Here I will try to expose you a step-by-step guide which explains why and how you can create a custom JSON:API Resource that leverage JSON:API Core feature.

JSON:API in short

To be franc - I don't want to read the story. Bring me to the code.

The JSON:API module is becoming wildly popular as an out-of-the-box way to provide an API server.
Why? Because it implements the {json:api} specification.

It’s still a RESTful interface, but the specification just helps bring an open standard for how data should be represented and requests should be constructed.


JSON:API Resource vs REST Resources ?

The principal interest of codding a JSON:API Resource instead of a classic REST Resource is to leverage the same standardized {json:api} output in your custom resource than the output of Drupal JSON:API out-of-the-box collections endpoints.
Believe me, frontenders will prefer dealing with 1 specification than having to transform and specify customization for few unstandardized output.
Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.

Martin Fowler

Another advantage of extending the JSON:API with your own collection is the Core ability that will be available out-of-the-box:
  • Sorting
  • Filtering
  • Paginate
  • Selection of fields
  • Inclusion of relation

Deep Dive in Code

First, you will need to install a contrib module drupal/jsonapi_resources.
composer require drupal/jsonapi_resources
Don’t worry, the module is trustable, tested and stable. Plus it has been made by mglaman, one of the core-contributor of JSON:API for Drupal.


Before starting your custom Query Builder, you will need to define you’re own new route.
Let's defines a route for a collection containing featured articles nodes.
# Defines a route for a collection containing featured articles nodes.
  # %jsonapi% is a placeholder for the JSON:API base path, which can be
  # configured in a site's services.yml file.
  path: '/%jsonapi%/articles/featured'
    # Every JSON:API resource route must declare a _jsonapi_resource. The
    # value can either be a class or a service ID. Unlike the _controller
    # route default, it is not possible to declare a method name to be called.
    _jsonapi_resource: Drupal\my_custom_resource\Resource\FeaturedArticlesResource
    _jsonapi_resource_types: ['node--article']
    _permission: 'access content'
In case you need adding options (eg. a node or user), the same features as for common routes/controllers are available.
# Defines a route for a collection containing related articles of given node.
  path: '/%jsonapi%/articles/{page}/related'
    _jsonapi_resource: Drupal\my_custom_resource\Resource\RelatedArticlesOfPageResource
    _jsonapi_resource_types: ['node--article']
    _permission: 'access content'
        type: entity:node
See the Structure of routes for more informations.

The Resource

Processes a request for a collection containing featured articles Nodes.

namespace Drupal\my_custom_resource\Resource;

use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata;
use Drupal\jsonapi\ResourceResponse;
use Drupal\jsonapi_resources\Resource\EntityQueryResourceBase;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

 * Processes a request for a collection containing featured articles nodes.
class FeaturedArticlesResource extends EntityQueryResourceBase {

   * Process the resource request.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
   *   The request.
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
   * @return \Drupal\jsonapi\ResourceResponse
   *   The response.
  public function process(Request $request): ResourceResponse {
    $cacheability = new CacheableMetadata();

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityType $entity_type */
    $entity_type = $this->entityTypeManager->getDefinition('node');
    /** @var string $bundle_field */
    $bundle_field = $entity_type->getKey('bundle');
    /** @var string $status_field */
    $status_field = $entity_type->getKey('status');

    $entity_query = $this->getEntityQuery('node')
      ->condition($bundle_field, 'article')
      ->condition('promote', TRUE)
      ->condition($status_field, NodeInterface::PUBLISHED);


    $paginator = $this->getPaginatorForRequest($request);
    $paginator->applyToQuery($entity_query, $cacheability);

    $data = $this->loadResourceObjectDataFromEntityQuery($entity_query, $cacheability);

    $pagination_links = $paginator->getPaginationLinks($entity_query, $cacheability, TRUE);

    /** @var \Drupal\jsonapi\CacheableResourceResponse $response */
    $response = $this->createJsonapiResponse($data, $request, 200, [], $pagination_links);

    return $response;

Well done you did it !

Shia LaBeouf

That’s pretty much all the hocus-pocus that you need to have a custom JSON:API Resource that leverage JSON:API Core feature.
Imagination Spongebob

Digging Deeper

In case you need to upcast the URL parameter by UUID, I suggest you to use the converter paramconverter.jsonapi.entity_uuid .
# Defines a route for a collection containing related articles of given node.
  path: '/%jsonapi%/articles/{page}/related'
    _jsonapi_resource: Drupal\my_custom_resource\Resource\RelatedArticlesOfPageResource
    _jsonapi_resource_types: ['node--article']
    _permission: 'access content'
        type: entity:node
        # Upcast entity parameters by UUID.
        converter: 'paramconverter.jsonapi.entity_uuid'


For the most curious of you, here are some sources of additional information that inspired the creation of this article.
Gabe Sullice (20 September, 2019) A New Era for Drupal’s JSON:API.
Seen on:
Ivo Kovačević (03 Jully, 2019). How to create custom JSON-API resource drupal 8.
Seen on
JSON:API Resources Documentation.
Seen on
Dries Buytaert (11 February, 2019). Headless CMS: REST vs JSON:API vs GraphQL.
Seen on
JSON:API Search API Documentation.
Seen on: